5 Simple Statements Any Small Church Pastor Would Love to Hear

5 Simple Statements Any Small Church Pastor Would Love…

It takes so little to remind a small church pastor that you care for them and are asking God to bless them.  Too many small church pastors are doing most, maybe all, of their ministry alone. That isolation can become toxic.

On top of that, when they look for help, they often find more frustration than encouragement.  So what can be said in support of the pastor of a small church?

  1. A Small Church Can Be A Great Church

What if, instead of insisting that a church must get bigger to prove its value, we found out what’s great about a small church ministry, then encouraged, supported and resourced it?

The New Testament does not have a single command for the church that can’t be fulfilled by three people working together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

2. “I’m Praying For You.”

A note.

A facebook comment.

It takes so little to remind a fellow small church pastor that you remember them and are asking God to bless them.

3. “Can I Take You Out To Lunch?”

So many small church pastors fell alone and abandoned.  Often by their own denominations, fellow pastors and ever their church members.

4. “How Can I Help?”

There are so many resources that big churches take for granted  -even toss away- that could make a huge difference to the budget and the ministry opportunities of many small churches near you.

5. What Can I Learn From You?”

Ministry wisdom doesn’t just flow from big to the small.  We can all learn something from the experiences and even the struggles of small church pastors.

How? By listening.  By asking them to tell their stories.  And by not trying to fix what might not even be broken.

It’s time to reach out beyond our own resources and care for some of the hardest-working ministers in the world.  The faithful, but hurting pastors of small churches.

Reaching even one pastor with just one of those statements might save a ministry – and heal a minister’s heart.
